I know you also must find it shocking, what’s going on in the United States right now. With the Supreme Court poised to overturn the landmark Roe V Wade decision that legalized abortion access across the country. We just cannot sit back and stay silent.
In collaboration with Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, AccessBC, BC Humanists Association, and UBC Social Justice Centre, we will be supporting our allies who are marching in cities across the country this Saturday May 14th at 1 p.m. at šxʷƛ̓exən Xwtl’a7shn (formerly known as the Queen Elizabeth Theatre Plaza) to say yes to choice and no to misogyny.
Here are the basic facts about abortion that everyone needs to know:
- People have abortions all the time, regardless of what law dictates
- Criminalizing abortion does not stop abortions, it just makes them less safe
- Almost every death and injury from unsafe abortion is preventable
- Criminalizing or restricting abortion prevents doctors from providing basic care
- It’s not just cisgender women & girls who need abortions
- Criminalizing abortion is a form of discrimination, further fueling stigma
- Access to safe abortion is a matter of human rights
Additionally, there are things we know lower the number of unwanted pregnancies. At this rally we want government to press GO on:
- Equitable, accessible abortion across the province
- free and universally accessible contraception
- comprehensive Sex Ed in all BC classrooms
- trans inclusive care
- $10/day childcare
- Living wage
For more information and to RSVP visit our Facebook event page here.
In solidarity,
Michelle Fortin
Executive Director