A brand new look for Options for Sexual Health

We have a new look and we are so excited to share it with you!

The Process

The updates to our brand and website have been in progress for a year now. We started working with Hot Soup Marketing Group to update our Sex Sense branding.  When we experienced how beautifully the new Sex Sense logo had turned out, we started wondering about our overall organization brand and what it would look like if we stepped into a fresh new look overall.

We began a process to review our Options for Sexual Health brand. The process included asking our clients, staff, volunteers, as well as our social media audience to contribute during the various stages of the branding process. Folks provided insight on everything from our brand values, to our colour palette! We were thrilled to have our brand validated and confirmed by so many people during this part of the process.

The Result

Moving forward, we will be using our full name, Options for Sexual Health, or the short form of Options. When we reviewed the branding and dug into our values, we came to realize exactly what it is that we do:  we provide options. With this brand refresh, we are truly stepping into who we are and embracing what we have known all along: we are Options.

This also aligns with our new tagline: All About Choices. The work we do as an organization provides access, information, and decision-making tools to our clients and patients. We are knowledgeable, warm, patient, caring, and inclusive, and we are all about choices.

The Website

On March 8th we officially launched our updated website. Working with Dave and his team at Dazil, we created a website we are thrilled to call our own! Dave and his team are thoroughly enjoyable to work with, and we highly recommend them! We know that this is a big change from our old website and that things may take a while to get used to. Our commitment to you with our new website is to ensure our information is kept current, and easy to navigate. We invite you to provide any feedback you may have on our new website to media@optbc.org.

Thank you for your ongoing support for Options for Sexual Health!


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